The healthcare sector in Egypt, although large compared to its Middle East counterparts, has been relatively stagnant over the past few years. However, there are a variety of investment opportunities, as the Egyptian government is very keen on expanding the healthcare industry, especially relating to medical devices, and plans to build 26 new hospitals. Healthcare expenditures are currently 3 percent of GDP, but will increase to 5 percent of GDP in 2017.
According to Egypt’s Five Year Macroeconomic Framework and Strategy (fiscal year 2014-15 through 2018-19), Egypt’s 2016-17 health budget is EGP 51.6 billion (USD 2.84 billion), which is 6.5 percent of the national budget.
Egypt’s medical device market is the second largest in the Middle East. Sales of medical devices totaled USD 26.5 million in 2017. As Egypt produces very little medical equipment, the vast majority of the market is supplied by imports, with just one Egyptian company producing a limited range of ultrasound scanners.
Technical medical equipment, such as radiography and ultrasound apparatus, vital statistic monitors, dialysis machines and laboratory microscopes are imported and distributed by a handful of companies who benefit from low import tariffs, the biggest of which, El Gomhoureya, is wholly owned by the government.

Neveen Hossam Medical & Agro Sector Directo
Tel.: +202 2527 1010
Ext.: 394